Caution with fermentation gas hoods

Practical tips for farmers

The first grass silages have already been silaged in various ways. Depending on the weather, the attained degrees of wilting are often in a low to medium dry matter range. The fermentation intensity is correspondingly higher. Additionally, it can be assumed that the young grass stocks have higher nitrate contents.

Accordingly, there are many reports from various places of fermentation gas hoods on silos again this spring, which refers to bulging on the silaging foils. Special caution is advised wherever these fermentation gas hoods can be observed. Fermentation gases are always a mix of carbon dioxide and nitrous gases and are highly toxic. Since these gases are heavier than air, they sink to the bottom. There is always an increased poisoning risk in the areas where they are discharged from the silos.

We explain in detail exactly how and which gases are formed during silaging and which of these gases are dangerous in our Guide under “Fermentation gas is poisonous” at
There we also give farmers very convenient tips on what they can do to counteract dangers from fermentation gas.