Best Milk

The brand concept for milk production

With the “Best Milk” concept, the AGRAVIS Group offers you ideas, expert knowledge, business-specific strategies and high-quality operating materials for milk production “from the grass into the glass”. This takes into account animal health, the cow’s lifetime milk production and a lower use of resources.

Agriculture and particularly milk production always face new challenges. A balance must be struck between high production by individual animals combined with an economically attractive milk management along with animal health, sustainability and minimal resources used in the life cycle (LCA). This is why the feed efficiency and composition of rations are increasingly significant.

To reach these goals with you and contribute to sustainable development and intensification, the AGRAVIS Group has created the “Best Milk” concept for you. It is based on feed composition, silaging, feeding and hygiene, and the products are coordinated with each other.

Tip from the experts

Perfect silage management improves performance and helps cut costs.

High feed efficiency is a “must”. We give you tips and develop strategies for your business with you. As often overlooked potential should be increased in the interest of healthy animals, better utilisation of nutrients, higher profitability and better area utilisation. This requires efficient grassland by means of:

  • Targeted management coordinated for the specific grain (fertilization, maintenance, weed control)
  • The use of high-quality, recommended varieties and kinds Here, we recommend our Plantinum Program for you. It guarantees improved cultivation similar to that of agricultural crops. You can find more information at

The second key pillar of staple feed production is silage maize. It is important to select the right type and variety. We perform individual checks in the regions and recommend a qualified portfolio of varieties.

The best silages form the basis of the feeding. Superior feed qualities are the result of optimal grassland management. And only with the best silage management are these qualities ensured up until the TMR. It is essential to minimise losses of biomass and quality. High-quality silages are produced through:

  • Minimal field retention times, optimal degrees of wilting
  • Good consolidation and reaching the minimum storage density
  • Airtight storage, use of silage mediums such as Siloferm (DLG 1b) to minimise losses of dry matter and pure protein
  • BioCool (DLG 2) to minimise the reheating

More details at

You can accompany an increase in the staple feed amount with increasing amounts of concentrated feed. This synergy boosts milk production. The composition of rations is the key to having a healthy, highly productive cow. An optimised ration starts with an adjusted feed rate in the silo and is distinguished by:

  • Good feed hygiene
  • Nutrient supply adjusted to the performance and lactation stage
  • Adequate structure
  • Mineral and vitamin supply according to need

We are glad to discuss the composition of rations for your cows with you on site. More information is available at or at Lakto.

Special feed is the finishing touch in animal nutrition.

The basis of cattle feeding is provided by a ration with balanced nutrients and minerals. Additives that are specially customised for your animals’ situation will increase and stabilise performance. Crystalyx is a high-quality supplement feed for licking that is manufactured in a patented production process. Intake of the energy-rich lick promotes the rumen microbial fermentation, stabilises the rumen pH and therefore increases feed intake.
VitaMiral provides the required amino acids, minerals and active substances and thus contributes to an improved protein and energy supply.

“Best Milk” – many factors are essential for this. Here is an overview:

Health and hygiene

  • Animal health
  • Hygiene
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

Feed management

  • Concentrated feed additives
  • Paunch activity and health
  • Protein quality of the staple feed
  • Energy density of the staple feed

Silage management

  • Feed removal
  • Coverage
  • Filling and sealing
  • Silage mediums
  • Feed retrieval

Grassland management

  • Harvest
  • New seeding or reseeding
  • Crop protection
  • Mechanical maintenance
  • Fertilisation
  • Stock rating

Benefit from the consulting expertise of the AGRAVIS Group – we would be glad to perform the “Best Milk Check” at your business.

Here are the added values of the “Best Milk” concept at a glance:

  • Additional grassland yield: 20 dt/hectare DM
  • Higher occupation rate for 7 kg DM intake from grass silage: 0.7 GV/hectare
  • Higher energy density: 0.5 MJ NEL/kg DM
  • Higher staple feed intake: 1.0 kg per cow and day through higher yields and qualities via Plantinum, Siloferm, Crystalyx
  • Increased concentrated feed amount in the TMR: up to 1.0 kg per cow and day
  • More milk: 1,500 kg per cow and year
  • More profit: 500 euros per cow and year