Feeding the future

New feed concepts for maximum success

The challenges are great in modern pig farming. AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG is setting new standards in this respect with its new "Feeding the future" concept.

Feeding the future with the OlymPig, Fisopan and VitaMiral concepts

Our feed concepts differ from everything we have done until now in many respects. This allows us to take a responsible, enduring approach and play an active role in preserving and consolidating farms and Germany as a basis for business. Benefit from using Fisopan, OlymPig and VitaMiral.

"Feeding the future" comprises four core elements: precision nutrients, energy efficiency, health benefits and high yield. Four AGRAVIS feed experts explain how feeding is made efficient.

Precision nutrients

Dr Peter Rösmann

The term "precision nutrients" covers the following aspects: First of all, we must point out the optimisation to nine praecaecal digestible amino acids. This saves on protein animal feeds such as soya bean and rapeseed extraction meal in rations, for example. This saving leads to a targeted reduction in raw protein contents in overall rations. It is generally assumed that you can expect a ten-per cent saving in nitrogen excretion for pigs after a one-per cent reduction in raw protein in rations. Innovative phytase concepts and taking the animal's real need for digestible phosphorous into account achieve a targeted reduction in phosphorous in rations. From an operational viewpoint, this means that a farmer now needs less rented space, can keep more animals on the same agricultural space or needs to handle less liquid manure.

Precision nutrients means:

  • Exact feed supply
  • Changeover to the net energy valuation system
  • Stable intestinal health
  • Fewer feed costs

Energy efficiency

Alexandra Grimm

A feed ration comprises energy, protein and micronutrients. Energy content accounts for much more than 60 per cent of cost in feeds. It is thus essential to know the exact energy value in individual feed components for financial reasons. To determine the energy that the pig can actually use, you create a net total consisting of the gross energy consumed and subtract the energy which leaves the body in the form of excretions. After taking away energy losses due to faeces and urine, you are left with "metabolisable energy", the accepted energy valuation system. However, this system does not take into account that energy is also lost from the body in the form of heat. The "Feeding the future" concept includes this loss and obtains the true usable energy, which is known as "net energy". Energy efficient is synonymous with the net energy valuation system, a more precise and, consequently, more financially accurate energy valuation.

Energy efficient means:

  • A smaller proportion of nutrients
  • More precise evaluation of raw materials
  • Strong immune system
  • Fewer health costs

Health benefits

Dr Svenja Sudeick

Feed and animal health are closely interlinked. Animals which suffer from a nutrient or energy deficiency thus fall ill more easily than others. A healthy intestine is key since over 60 per cent of the immune system is located in the intestine. Raw fibre sources and a good structure promote intestinal health. They maintain the intestinal motor function, guarantee the rate of passage and reduce the risk of blockages or sluggishness in the bowels. Precision nutrient feed helps to prevent excessive nutrients invading. Impact is reduced on the metabolism and the animals' vitality increased. Lower nitrogen excretion reduces the ammonia content in the shed air, diminishing the impact on respiratory tracts in animals and humans (farmer). "Health benefits" in the "Feeding the future" concept thus comprise stable intestinal health, a strong immune system, reduced strain on the metabolism and healthy respiratory tracts.

Health benefits means:

  • Less land required
  • Specific products for fattening or sows
  • Metabolic easing
  • Fewer land costs

High yield

Bernhard Walgern

The "Feeding the future" concept is high yield in many respects: It impresses thanks to fewer feed costs since we feed animals the right amount and they do not overconsume. Simply using a pure withdrawal feed with reduced protein content alone can reduce feed costs per fattening pig by up to one euro. Thanks to the ideal protein concept, less excess raw protein needs to be eliminated, thus reducing strain on the metabolism. This leads to markedly better shed air and improves respiratory tract health. "Feeding the future" ensures more stable intestinal health in animals thanks to improved roughage provision. Health costs can be reduced in many cases. The lower nutrient accumulation brings the most significant financial advantage. The land required for liquid manure spreading or the costs for liquid manure removal can be reduced considerably to some extent.

High yield means:

  • Less liquid manure
  • Efficient use of feed components
  • Healthy respiratory tracts
  • Fewer liquid manure costs