Compound feed

AGRAVIS feed concepts promote longevity in dairy cows

Project longevity allows us to offer you as a dairy farmer innovative product solutions for dairy cows at all life stages, from heifers to dairy cows. These solutions demonstrably increase useful life and, consequently, dairy cow profitability.

AGRAVIS’ feed concepts contribute to project longevity and sustainably reduce excess nitrogen and phosphorus in rations. The Laktaria or Lakto Qfit range help to reduce the nitrogen content in manure thanks to amino-acid-balanced feeding. By observing the amino acids when calculating rations, the protein content in dairy cow rations can be deliberately reduced. This saves protein-rich feedstuffs in rations. Protein costs of concentrated feed are reduced while milk and protein production remains the same or higher. These savings in protein can be found in the form of reduced nitrogen contents in manure. This relieves nitrogen excess in the nutritional balance, relieves the liver metabolism and thereby contributes to the longevity of the dairy cow.

Phosphorus content is optimised thanks to Phokus, the phosphorus-optimised ration calculation tool. In addition to the animal’s required phosphorus supply, this also always ensures that rumen microbes are provided with the required amount of phosphorus available in the rumen. The result of this field-tested ration optimisation is reduced phosphorus secretion by dairy cows at consistently high herd performance. The reproducibility required for a nutrient reduction strategy of this type is guaranteed thanks to individual ration calculations. The native contents and digestibility of silages, the business’s own concentrated feed and the quantities of staple feed are taken into account when composing rations.

Together, these AGRAVIS feed concepts help farmers reduce their operation’s nitrogen and phosphorus values and increase their herd’s productivity and longevity at the same time.

Tip from the experts

With the right building blocks for feed rations, you provide optimal rumen care to keep the animals’ health status and yield potential as high as possible.

Langlebigkeit Phokus Milchleistung

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